Add excitement and challenge to your life

Get the 8-week, step-by-step program for achieving a strong handstand…

…while an expert coach helps you overcome hurdles and plateaus.

Dear Hand Balancer,

You’ve probably started your handstand journey.

But somewhere along the way, your progress stalled.

Or you’re making some progress...but you don’t know the next steps to move forward.

While “YouTube learning” can be helpful, it has its limits, right?

It’s better to have a structured program on how to move forward.

Because spinning your wheels figuring out handstands on your own is pretty darn frustrating, isn’t it?

Few things are worse than investing weeks or months of work with little to show for it

You’ve probably come to realize that to really get this handstand thing down…

…you need a coach looking at what you do.

But the cost of 1-on-1 training can be expensive - if there’s even someone local who can help you.

And, hey, without an exciting endeavor like learning a handstand, your daily routine can get a little humdrum.

Would you agree?

Ok, maybe I’m biased. But I believe learning how to achieve a successful handstand can bring a bit of magic into your life.

Expect New Confidence and Your Friend Saying, “You Can Do THAT!?”

Thankfully, learning how to do a good handstand - and making progress in it every week - is very doable.

You don’t need to get frustrated or “stay stuck” on some part of the process.

There's a way to practice handstands where each month there's a new milestone in your progress.

When you have that kind of consistent momentum…

Your confidence will rise.

You’ll get a sense of pride in your physical AND mental ability - that you may have never had before.

Put all that together…

…and your life will shine a bit more with excitement and adventure.

You might even discover that your friends or partner becomes “wowed” by what you can do. There’s a way to start this path right now. But let me introduce myself first.

Hi, I’m Kirsty. National Gymnastics Champion, Hand Balancing Coach, & Renowned Cat Lover

My story of hand balancing begins at age six.

That’s when I started my gymnastics career and eventually earned the nickname “muscles.”

As a kid and teenager growing up in Scotland, I competed in gymnastics around the world. Later, I would become a national champion.

Then, in 1998, a devastating injury to my elbow ended my career.

For years after that, I missed the fun I had as a gymnast.

So, in 2012, I converted my Toronto garage to a gym so that I could rediscover the joy of hand balancing and bodyweight fitness.

I started teaching bodyweight movements (including handstands) to students of all ages and abilities.

Over time, two things motivated me to create my own handstand course.

First, I realized how powerful learning handstands with an online coach could be.

I got this insight from hiring several coaches to teach me more advanced handstands.

With online coaching, I learned more quickly and with greater depth than I did in person.

Here’s one big reason why. Online coaching requires you to film yourself. So, you see exactly what your strengths & weaknesses are - and how to analyze them. (A process that cats like to be involved in, too.)

The second motivation for creating my online handstand course was my disappointment with what the market offered.

Almost no handstand course provided coaching.

To learn this skill, you really need expert feedback. But not just any kind of feedback (more on that later!)

So, after five years of invaluable experience teaching people handstands at a studio and at live workshops around the world, I created my own course.

But before we discuss the course…

…it’s possible you’re wondering whether YOU can do a handstand.

Master the Handstand - Basic Version


Designed by Kirsty Grosart, Garage Gym Girl, for beginner and intermediate hand balancers work to learn or improve their freestanding handstand.

Master the Handstand - Deluxe Version


The complete handstand package.

3 Common Mental Blocks That Hold You Back from Achieving a Handstand

Most people I train encounter at least one of these mental blocks.

That's why I want to take a minute to help you eliminate these discouraging mind-trolls.

(That's what they're called, right?)

Mental Block #1

“Am I athletic enough to do a handstand?”

If you've never tried a handstand or are in the early stages of doing one...

…you might wonder whether you’re athletic enough to even do a handstand.

The answer is simple:

Your “innate” physical talent does not determine whether you can do a handstand.

You don't need to be an elite gymnast or a superb athlete.

Sure, you may need to spend some extra time on mobility or strength - but these are areas you can improve with practice.

Anyone can achieve a handstand when you learn how to break down the process. You need to learn in “bite-size” pieces, get expert coaching along the way, and train consistently.

Mental Block #2

“Am I too old to learn a handstand?”


My average clients are in their 40 and 50s. I’ve even had clients successfully achieve a handstand in their 60s.

Whatever your age, it won’t stop you from learning a handstand.

Doesn’t it feel great to dissolve this mental block and get back to training your handstand?

Mental Block #3

“I’m worried learning a handstand will take too long.”

I have two answers to this.

First, a strong handstand with a great line is not the only victory in the process.

Many other milestones can keep you excited and proud along the way, regardless of how long it takes you to do a handstand.

Whether that’s your first kick-up to the wall, enjoying your improved strength, or simply feeling more flexible and mobile from all the drills.

Second, the learning never stops.

Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, learning always continues.

And so does gradual improvement.

Don’t worry about whether it takes you weeks, months, or even over a year to achieve a handstand.

Go at your own speed.

Be consistent, and you’ll always have moments to celebrate along the way.

The #1 “Success Ingredient” that Online Handstand Programs Fail to Offer

Ok, we’ve ditched the mental barriers that discourage you from a handstand.

Now, let’s talk about what you need to get there faster (and with more fun).

You see, most online handstand programs fail to offer something critical.

They don’t offer 1-on-1 coaching.

And I don’t mean just a brief comment or two.

I’m talking about thorough feedback from a coach on how to make your handstand better.

Heck, some courses might not even give any feedback at all!

That’s a problem because learning how to do a proper handstand requires expert help.

It requires a coach who can tell you exactly what you need to improve.

That’s why I offer my clients detailed feedback to accelerate their progress in my signature course.

Take a look at how I do it:

Look at what people say when they get this kind of support:

"Getting the coaching feedback was by far the most valuable part to me. Handstands are so different than any other physical skill I have trained. So, having a good coach who could tell me where I needed to improve made it easier for me to see and feel what I was doing properly and improperly."

Shari Wagner

"My favorite part of the course was your prompt and very specific feedback. I'd have no idea how to stop myself from falling over without your guidance."

Tatcha Ayana

One other thing.

A lot of coaching - whether online or in-person - is not as supportive as it should be.

Here’s what I mean.

If you want to enjoy learning to do a handstand, and be excited to keep coming back to the process…

…then the coaching should be encouraging and not at all judgmental.

I take pride in always offering supportive, positive coaching for my clients.

The best part? It allows people to enjoy their journey and make faster progress. Take a look…

People Who’ve Tried My Approach Love the Experience and Get FANTASTIC Results…

"I started practicing handstands in a yoga class, but I wasn’t making any progress. After a while, I realized this wasn’t enough and that I didn’t know what I was doing with handstands. I wanted a framework and how it all worked together. After taking Kirsty’s program, I’m able to go from holding a handstand for only a few seconds to being able to hold it for 30 seconds. I even impressed my family!"

Andrea Wever

"I was never athletic. I couldn’t throw a ball. I hated sports all my life. At 59, I knew I needed to make a change. I had always liked the circus and acrobats and what they could do. But to learn a handstand, I knew I needed help. After doing a program that didn’t provide me with any coaching, I tried Kirsty’s Master the Handstand…and now I can do a handstand without a wall! It’s been a life-changer. Doing a handstand makes you better at everything, it makes you more clear, focused, and structured. I am SO proud of myself for this achievement."


"Whether you want to achieve your first handstand or improve an existing one, this course will get you there. The program is progressive and allows you to go at a pace that fits for you, but you might be surprised at how much progress you can make in such a short time."

Shari Wagner

"My favorite part of the course was reading your feedback on my videos, watching everybody else's videos and reading your feedback on those as well. Getting to observe many handstands (by myself and by others) really helped me conceptualize the things you were teaching. Interestingly, the "failed" attempts often taught me as much as the more successful ones because I could see and understand the difference between when something was happening and when it wasn’t."

David Wilson

Introducing Master the Handstand:

Your 8-week, “All You Need-to-Know” Program for a Strong Handstand…With 1-on-1, Compassionate Coaching

This online program is the result of more than two decades of hand balancing myself and 8 years of coaching over 1,000 clients with their handstand.

During that time, I’ve tested and refined my system to help you achieve your BEST handstand.

First, let me explain how this comprehensive program works.

Module 1: Assessment & Creating a Customized Plan

This is the step that almost no one takes.

But with the right assessments, you can overcome some of your biggest sticking points.

In this module, you’ll get:

  • The 3 ESSENTIAL mobility assessments that everyone needs in order to make serious progress in their handstand.
  • Know how to focus on key areas to make your journey smoother and more personalized.
  • How to MENTALLY REFRAME what progress can look like for you…and why it’s not always about increasing the time you can hold a handstand.

Get a custom flexibility program based on your mobility scores.

Module 2: Build a Foundation for a Proper Handstand

Most folks are eager to balance away from the wall as soon as possible

But when learning a new skill, we need to start by creating a strong foundation.

So, we’ll begin by focusing on:

  • Body position
  • Alignment
  • Improving flexibility
  • Building strength in your shoulders, core, & wrists

Here’s what this module will give you:

  • Gradually build up shoulder strength so you can hold your entire body upside down.
  • No more achy wrists from being upside down. We’ll improve your wrist strength and mobility.
  • Say goodbye to the “banana” position. I’ll help you achieve a straight line with better mobility, body awareness, and core strength.
  • The ability to kick up to a handstand, which includes good technique, confidence, and basic physics.

Overcome your fear of moving away from the wall by learning how to “bail” safely. Get my simple, step-by-step approach.

Module 3: Improve Your Balance and How to Move Away from the Wall

Now that you’ve built a solid foundation for a handstand, here’s what we’ll cover:

  • All the steps to go from the wall to a freestanding handstand.
  • Overcome balance issues by learning what a proper, balanced position feels like. Plus, how to correct for over-balance and under-balance.
  • Remove fear as a roadblock to your progress by learning how to set up your space to give you confidence and implement bailing in your practice.
  • If you’re only able to balance occasionally, learn the strategy for how to kick-up consistently and find balance in every attempt.

A Handstand Program Packed Full of Benefits (Too Many to List!)

Here’s just some of what you can expect from Master the Handstand:

  • Comprehensive, 8-week program. You’ll get a clear, well-structured program that takes you through every step needed to go from point zero to a proper, freestanding handstand.
  • Weekly video review of your handstand. Boost your progress by overcoming the most important sticking points in your handstand or its progressions.
  • All your questions answered. Anytime you have a question, you can post it in the private Mighty Network group so that you're never unsure or guessing.
  • 8 weeks of expert coaching. For 8 weeks, you will receive weekly video reviews and ask me any questions you may have.
  • A program tailored to YOU. This program offers individual assessments that highlight the specific areas you need to address for handstand success. Also, I'll give you feedback each week to help you adjust the training to your needs.
  • No handstand experience necessary. Even if you’ve never attempted a handstand, or have just begun the journey, this program can help you.
  • Go at your own pace. Everyone starts their handstand journey with different strengths. Because you'll never lose access to this course, you can take whatever time you need before moving to the next step.
  • Detailed video tutorials. Get visual instruction and demonstration on how to do every progression and drill in the program.
  • Private Community group. This group offers you a unique community of fellow hand balancers who will provide you with support, accountability, and camaraderie.
  • Lifetime Access. Purchasing this program gives you lifetime access to the online course. This is helpful because sometimes life gets in the way, or part of the journey can take longer than expected. You also get all future updates to the program at no extra cost.

Bonus Module #1: Improve your balance

As you move through Master the Handstand, if you’re struggling with balance, this module can help you.

Most of the time, it’s best to find your balance naturally just by practicing your handstand drills and progressions.

But if your balance is still a struggle, this module can provide the boost you need with strategies on falling forward or falling backward.

Even if balance was not a big challenge for you…

…when you reach the end of the program, you can do this module and fine-tune your balance.

Bonus Module #2: Add Variety (& Mastery) with Different Shapes and Entries into the Handstand

When you’re ready, you can go beyond the standard, straight-leg handstand.

This means exploring different types of handstands, like a tuck handstand or straddle handstand.

(show pictures of each handstand type)

Why learn these variations?

Because you’ll:

  1. Simultaneously improve your straight-leg handstand and take it to the next level.
  2. Inject a dose of excitement into the journey by adding these other shapes.

One other thing…

Kicking up to a handstand is a great starting point.

But you’ll increase your all-around ability to do a handstand if you develop new ways to get into it, like a “cartwheel to handstand” or “jump to handstand.”

Combining these new entries with the different “shapes” of handstands gives you a richer (dare I say more thrilling?) journey.

Bonus Module #3: Intro to the “Press to Handstand”

As you become more skilled with your handstand, you may ask “What else can I do?”

Say hello to the Press to Handstand (PTH).

This bonus module gives you one of the foundational workouts from my full PTH course.

From this module, you’ll:

  • Know whether you’re ready to work on the Press to Handstand! Some people can start too early, but you’ll know if you’re far enough along by doing this bonus module.
  • Gain the strength to get into a handstand without having to kick up.
  • Get the extra motivation to work on flexibility. The PTH is more demanding on this front, so it will force you to improve.

Bonus Module #4: Intro to the “Handstand Push-Up”

Learning the handstand push-up (adapted here from the full course) is an excellent complement to your standard handstand practice.

It’s something you can do at any point in your journey.

Expect these great benefits:

  • Build new strength in your shoulders and arms different from what the handstand alone will give you.
  • If you struggle with bent-arm pressing, the handstand push-up allows you to progressively build strength in this area and learn a proper set up for it (which you may have never been taught.)
  • Never get bored with your handstand practice by adding in this extra variation to your repertoire.

The last time we will offer Master the Handstand with individual detailed video feedback...

I only offer Master the Handstand three times per year…

…and this is the last time we will include detailed feedback.

So, if you’re interested in developing your handstand and meeting the challenge, the next question is…

Which Option is Right for You?

Master the Handstand - Basic Version

  • Comprehensive, 8-week program. You’ll get a clear, well-structured program that takes you through every step needed to go from point zero to a proper, freestanding handstand.
  • Weekly video review of your handstand. Boost your progress by overcoming the most important sticking points in your handstand or its progressions.
  • All your questions answered. Anytime you have a question, you can post it in the private Mighty Network group so that you're never unsure or guessing.
  • 8 weeks of expert coaching. For 8 weeks, you will receive weekly video reviews and ask me any questions you may have.
  • A program tailored to YOU. This program offers individual assessments that highlight the specific areas you need to address for handstand success. Also, I'll give you feedback each week to help you adjust the training to your needs.
  • No handstand experience necessary. Even if you’ve never attempted a handstand, or have just begun the journey, this program can help you.
  • Go at your own pace. Everyone starts their handstand journey with different strengths. Because you'll never lose access to this course, you can take whatever time you need before moving to the next step.
  • Detailed video tutorials. Get visual instruction and demonstration on how to do every progression and drill in the program.
  • Private community group. This group offers you a unique community of fellow hand balancers who will provide you with support, accountability, and camaraderie.
  • Lifetime Access. Once you buy the course, access all the online materials so that you can go at your own pace or refer back to specific lessons.
  • Bonus Module #1: Improve Your Balance. If you struggle with balance, get key strategies on how to fall forward or backward. Or simply use this to fine-tune your balance at the end of the program.
  • Bonus Module #2: New Shapes & Entries of the Handstand. Add versatility to the straight-leg handstand with the tuck handstand and straddle handstand. Also, become all-around better at the handstand by learning news ways to enter into it besides the kick up.
  • Bonus Module #3: Intro to “Press to Handstand.” A more advanced version of the handstand that adds a new challenge and variety once you’ve developed some proficiency.
  • Bonus Module #4: Intro to “Handstand Push-Up.” Get a taste of how to do this supplemental movement, which will add a different type of strength to your shoulders and arms.

Master the Handstand

Course starting January 3 2022 | 8 weeks of coaching | Limited availability

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Master the Handstand - Deluxe Version

The deluxe version gives you instant access to two of my other handstand courses.

The first is the full, Handstand Push-Up course.

This is a great skill to practice right away or early in your journey. It’ll help you build extra shoulder and arm strength.

The second is the full, Press to Handstand course.

Learning this movement will challenge you even after you’ve gained proficiency with a handstand. Plus, it’ll improve your flexibility and give you a new way to get into the handstand without a kick up.

All told the deluxe version of Master the Handstand gives you:

  • Lifetime access to each of these online programs: Handstand Push Up and Press to Handstand (These can be done whenever you are ready, and at your own pace.)
  • Immediately saves you $100 compared to their regular price.
  • Ensures you won’t have to buy them later at a higher price.

Here’s a summary of everything that’s included in the deluxe version of Master the Handstand.

  • 8-week, online course of Master the Handstand. This includes the step-by-step process to achieving a freestanding handstand, including the three core modules, training videos, and PDFs of the workouts.
  • 8 weeks of coaching. For 8 weeks following the purchase of this course, you will receive access to my coaching in the form of weekly video review and asking me questions.
  • Weekly video review of your handstand. Each week, you can submit up to 3 short videos and get detailed feedback on how to make improvements to the skills and movements you are working on.
  • Unlimited questions answered. You may post in the community group whenever you have a question regarding your training so that you’re never “stuck” or unsure of what to do.
  • Private community group. This group offers you a unique community of fellow hand balancers who will provide you with support, accountability, and camaraderie.
  • Lifetime access. Once you buy the course, you get access to all the online materials so that you can go at your own pace or refer back to specific lessons.
  • Complete Handstand Push-Up Course. ($150 value). The full course teaches you this new strength skill in hand balancing and makes you even better at the traditional handstand.
  • Complete Press to Handstand Course. ($150 value). The full course that teaches you this variation of getting into a handstand, which builds news levels of strength, flexibility, and control.
  • Bonus Module #1: Improve Your Balance. Gain key strategies if you struggle with balance on how to fall forward or backward, or to simply fine-tune your balance at the end of the program.
  • Bonus Module #2: Shapes & Entries of the Handstand. Add versatility to the straight-leg handstand with the tuck handstand and straddle handstand. Also, become all-around better at the handstand by learning news ways to enter into it besides the kick up.
  • Bonus Module #3: Intro to “Press to Handstand.” A more advanced version of the handstand that adds a new challenge and variety once you’ve developed some proficiency.
  • Bonus Module #4: Intro to “Handstand Push-Up.” Get a taste of how to do this supplemental movement, which will add a different type of strength to your shoulders and arms.

Master the Handstand Deluxe

Course starting Jan 3 2022 | 8 weeks of coaching | Limited availability

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Frequently Asked Questions About Master the Handstand

1. Will I receive individual coaching from you on my handstand?

Yes! Each week you can receive detailed video feedback on your handstand. This feature is rare in online handstand courses, and something I’m proud to offer.

Here’s how it works: once a week, you can submit up to 3 video links on any of the skills or movements that you’re working on. Then I’ll give you thorough feedback on what you’re doing and how to improve.

2. I’m new to handstands. Is this course for me?

Yes, this course is designed for beginners and intermediate hand balancers.

With one caveat…

I would recommend starting with my Handstand Building Blocks course if you’re a beginner AND one of the following is true:

a) You haven’t done any movement practice on your hands, like animal flow.

b) You have significant limitations in your overhead or wrist mobility.

If neither of those describes you, and you’re a beginner hand balancer, this course is a great fit for you!

If you’re still unsure, just email me at

3. I’ve been doing handstands for a while. Am I too advanced for this course?

Here’s a good test: if you can hold a handstand for one minute, you’re too advanced for this course. But I can still help you. Just email me at, and I can help take your handstand to the next level.

4. What equipment will I need for this course?

Here’s what you need to do the course:

  • Access to a wall with sufficient space around you so you can kick up to a handstand.
  • A device to film yourself (your phone is sufficient.)
  • A device to time yourself (again, your phone is sufficient.)
  • Internet access.

Pretty basic, right?

The other 2 items below aren’t necessary, but I recommend them for a better experience:

  • A tripod for your phone or video camera. This will make filming more manageable and give me a better view of what you’re doing.
  • A foam roller.

5. What’s the weekly time commitment for this course?

The minimum training time I recommend for this program is three days per week. Each workout will take 30-60 minutes.

The workouts will get longer as you progress, so they can be closer to 30 minutes in the beginning, and further along, will be closer to 60 minutes.

Bottom line: expect to train at least 3 days a week for a total of 1.5 hours to 3 hours per week.

Also, the course lasts 8 weeks in total.

6. How long will I have access to the course?

Even though the course material is designed to be completed in 8 weeks, you’ll have access to the program for life. Plus, you automatically get any improvements and updates at no additional cost.

7. What if I’m not happy with the program? Can I get a refund?

Say it ain’t so!

While there are no refunds for this course, I’ve created a program that offers you many opportunities to get custom feedback to overcome your sticking points. And, for eight weeks, you can receive answers to all of your burning questions.

Plus, you get lifetime access to the core program - so it's always there to help you.

Basically, I’ll do everything I can to ensure you’re making progress. Sound good?

8. I’m in a different time zone, will that matter for the coaching?

Nope. The coaching is mostly me giving you feedback on your videos in the Community group, or answering questions that you post. So, none of that has a “live” component.

9. What’s the format of the course?

All of the course material is available online in my private site, Garage Gym Girl Online Academy. There, you’ll have access to all the instructional videos and programming 24/7.

You can also download all the PDFs of the workouts.

The coaching component will be offered in the private group, where you’ll post videos for review and ask questions.

10. Is the price in US or Canadian dollars?

The price is US dollars.

Seize the Opportunity for a New, Challenging Adventure (and Succeed at It!)

An opportunity that will….

…give you pride in what you’ve accomplished.

…add confidence in what you can achieve. …give you a new level of strength and mobility.

Which Option is Right for You?

Master the Handstand - Basic Version

  • Comprehensive, 8-week program. You’ll get a clear, well-structured program that takes you through every step needed to go from point zero to a proper, freestanding handstand.
  • Weekly video review of your handstand. Boost your progress by overcoming the most important sticking points in your handstand or its progressions.
  • All your questions answered. Anytime you have a question, you can post it in the private Mighty Network group so that you're never unsure or guessing.
  • 8 weeks of expert coaching. For 8 weeks, you will receive weekly video reviews and ask me any questions you may have.
  • A program tailored to YOU. This program offers individual assessments that highlight the specific areas you need to address for handstand success. Also, I'll give you feedback each week to help you adjust the training to your needs.
  • No handstand experience necessary. Even if you’ve never attempted a handstand, or have just begun the journey, this program can help you.
  • Go at your own pace. Everyone starts their handstand journey with different strengths. Because you'll never lose access to this course, you can take whatever time you need before moving to the next step.
  • Detailed video tutorials. Get visual instruction and demonstration on how to do every progression and drill in the program.
  • Private community group. This group offers you a unique community of fellow hand balancers who will provide you with support, accountability, and camaraderie.
  • Lifetime Access. Once you buy the course, access all the online materials so that you can go at your own pace or refer back to specific lessons.
  • Bonus Module #1: Improve Your Balance. If you struggle with balance, get key strategies on how to fall forward or backward. Or simply use this to fine-tune your balance at the end of the program.
  • Bonus Module #2: New Shapes & Entries of the Handstand. Add versatility to the straight-leg handstand with the tuck handstand and straddle handstand. Also, become all-around better at the handstand by learning news ways to enter into it besides the kick up.
  • Bonus Module #3: Intro to “Press to Handstand.” A more advanced version of the handstand that adds a new challenge and variety once you’ve developed some proficiency.
  • Bonus Module #4: Intro to “Handstand Push-Up.” Get a taste of how to do this supplemental movement, which will add a different type of strength to your shoulders and arms.

Master the Handstand

Course starting January 3 2022 | 8 weeks of coaching | Limited availability

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Master the Handstand - Deluxe Version

  • 8-week, online course of Master the Handstand. This includes the step-by-step process to achieving a freestanding handstand, including the three core modules, training videos, and PDFs of the workouts.
  • 8 weeks of coaching. For 8 weeks following the purchase of this course, you will receive access to my coaching in the form of weekly video review and asking me questions.
  • Weekly video review of your handstand. Each week, you can submit up to 3 short videos and get detailed feedback on how to make improvements to the skills and movements you are working on.
  • Unlimited questions answered. You may post in the community group whenever you have a question regarding your training so that you’re never “stuck” or unsure of what to do.
  • Private community group. This group offers you a unique community of fellow hand balancers who will provide you with support, accountability, and camaraderie.
  • Lifetime access. Once you buy the course, you get access to all the online materials so that you can go at your own pace or refer back to specific lessons.
  • Complete Handstand Push-Up Course. ($150 value). The full course teaches you this new strength skill in hand balancing and makes you even better at the traditional handstand.
  • Complete Press to Handstand Course. ($150 value). The full course that teaches you this variation of getting into a handstand, which builds news levels of strength, flexibility, and control.
  • Bonus Module #1: Improve Your Balance. Gain key strategies if you struggle with balance on how to fall forward or backward, or to simply fine-tune your balance at the end of the program.
  • Bonus Module #2: Shapes & Entries of the Handstand. Add versatility to the straight-leg handstand with the tuck handstand and straddle handstand. Also, become all-around better at the handstand by learning news ways to enter into it besides the kick up.
  • Bonus Module #3: Intro to “Press to Handstand.” A more advanced version of the handstand that adds a new challenge and variety once you’ve developed some proficiency.
  • Bonus Module #4: Intro to “Handstand Push-Up.” Get a taste of how to do this supplemental movement, which will add a different type of strength to your shoulders and arms.

Master the Handstand Deluxe

Course starting Jan 3 2022 | 8 weeks of coaching | Limited availability

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